Tuesday, November 22, 2011


I mentioned in a previous post that I’ve recently moved into an apartment on my own, and I’m enjoying it very much. I think at least 80% of that enjoyment comes from my the size of my new wardrobe.

It’s at least three meters of built in, mirror fronted, all hanging goodness (I’m a hanger, not a folder – less ironing!). It’s massive. It’s huge. It’s amazing.

I never thought that having a big wardrobe would change my life and the way I approach getting dressed in the morning, but it does. Every morning, I slide open the doors and consult my clothing options (sorted into sections: tops/skirts/short and mid dresses/long dresses). My shoes are stowed in handy hanging shoe racks (thanks, IKEA). Belts and camisoles have a respective drawer. It’s all organized, all ordered, and all beautiful.

The cultural zeitgeist at the moment seems to be all about doing things Mindfully – usually eating or walking. My thoughts on this? Big Yawn with Arm Stretch. I love food, love eating while I read the paper, love eating while chatting with friends and family face to face and on the phone, love munching on a really good apple while I go for a walk. I don’t have the time or the inclination to roll a raisin around on my tongue for ten minutes before eating it. Enough already. Just eat. Same with walking. I have no desire to do walking mediations – left foot, right foot, left foot, right foot. I’m too busy indulging in rock star daydreams, MA15+ conversations with girlfriends, and deep diving into vitally important issues (global warming, education systems, celebrity baby names). I just like to get out and enjoy myself, no complex mindfulness procedure necessary.

Pondering the pleasure that I get from my wardrobe and dressing in the morning, though, I can’t help but wonder if I’m a mindful dresser, if not a mindful eater or walker. That ten minutes I spend absorbed in choosing, combining, trying and adjusting is ten minutes in my day when I’m entirely focused on one task, and one task only, appreciating every piece of clothing in my well planned wardrobe, feeling like a glamorous diva, in the manner of Beyonce, even when I’m just pulling on track pants.

Mindfulness? Wishful thinking? Whatever it is, I like it, a lot. And it’s all thanks to my big wardrobe.

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