Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Come By Chance

One of my favourite picture books as a child was called ‘Come By Chance’. I can’t remember exactly how this story ended, but it was about a lonely woman who comes upon a tumbled-down old house. The house is in need of a little TLC, as was the woman. Slowly but surely, the woman fixes up the old house, making it warm and cosy, and provides shelter for all sorts of animals when a storm hits. From thereon in my memory goes blank – if anybody else remembers how the story ends, I’m happy to be reminded.

What I’ve loved about that story is the sense of being able to rescue things – that, with a little attention and time, even the most dilapidated and desperate can be made whole.

So, where was I last Thursday morning, during the middle of a freakishly heavy downpour in our nations capital?

I was rescuing a dresser, single handedly, from my apartment’s dumpster, and dragging all 40+ kilos of it up three flights of stairs.

With a thorough airing out, some new knobs,

some pretty pot plants,

and a string of darling paper lanterns,

I think she scrubs up quite well, don’t you?


  1. Well, good for you ... and on a completely different topic altogether, I wonder if you have come across this A Dress A Day blog - she's particularly keen on vintage dresses and patterns. http://erintest.typepad.com/a_dress_a_day/ (Just in case you are interested).

  2. Scrubs up rather wonderfully indeed! And now we have space for even more pretty crockery, should we find some of that in the dumpster too...

  3. what wonderful suggestions from some wonderful readers - i have come across a dress a day, and envy her considerable talents! And i am keeping an eye for any other discarded gems...


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