Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Secrets and Lies

As it’s been almost a year since I started this wee blog, I thought it might be time to correct a few assumptions that you, readers, may have made about me. You could be forgiven for thinking, reading this blog, that I am impeccably stylish and pleased with what I wear most of the time, and that, being someone who blogs about style, I have no secrets.

How wrong you are, and how remiss of me not to tell you before now about my Top Ten Shameful Style Secrets and Lies…

Number Ten: I want to wear red lipstick every day, but don’t.

Number Nine: I wear track pants. Out of the house. Often out of the house. Often down to the shops to collect dinner ingredients. Often tracksuits with holes in dangerous places – the term crotchless being appropriate.

Number Eight: I stress out about wearing the same outfit to two tutorials in the same semester, least my students judge me as a poor postgraduate with no clothes.

Number Seven: I spend entire weeks wearing sarongs and pregnant-style tops in summer.

Number Six: I shop at target. Even when I have money.

Number Five: I envy girls who look amazing wearing jeans, uni sweaters, and ponytails.

Number Four: I myself wear jeans, uni sweaters, and ponytails, and do not look amazing.

Number Three: I don’t feel like myself without make up.

Number Two: I’m never happy with my hair. Ever.

And – drumroll please – the final, most hideous confession.

Number One: I wear crocs. ALL THE TIME.

P.S. you may have noticed some changes to the blog of late – I hope you like them as much as I do! Although it’s taken the best part of a year to work out the intricacies of Blogger, I think my inner luddite is suitably conquered. Love, Peg.


  1. Love the new look! And even these confessions do nothing to spoil my image of you as *the* sartorial goddess-go-to-girl in my life.

    P.S. I tortured myself yesterday by walking around the Galeries Lafeyette shoe department yesterday for half an hour. With all the 900 euro shoes. That I couldn't even try on.

  2. oh lord hannah, that sounds like a dreadful, torturous journey....maybe you could get some crocs??? i hear all the satroail goddesses secretly wear them ;)

  3. Sadly, I can't even do crocs - nothing covered at all. I have been wearing birkenstocks for four months straight. I don't think even sartorial flunkies are allowed to do that :P

  4. Ooh, pretty blue Peggy. I'm so glad to hear you wear daggy tracky-daks (how do you spell that?). And while I'm not into crocs, you would have seen me wearing birkies at Woden today, had you been there - but fortunately you weren't!


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